Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gillian Chung's Reappearance: Fan Meeting & Test the Public's Response

Credits & Translation by: aZnangel@ http://asianeu.net/forums/

Gillian Chung's Reappearance: Fan Meeting & Test the Public's Response

Since the first day of the sex photo scandal, Gillian Chung's mood has not been happy at all. Not able to eat well nor sleep well.Every night she was unable to sleep, she had to count on sleeping pills to fall asleep. Health also becomes weak.
EEG arranged a fan meeting with Ah Gill today (2/11/08). Gillian finally faces the public after the incident.She will not be accepting any interviews and will not explain anything regarding the scandal.

As the incident was dragging, Gillian got sick that she had to stop all her work with EEG, including her new album and a function CNY 3rd Day.Her new movie with rumored boyfriend Alex Fong titled (出水芙蓉) also may be postponed.The advertisements that she is spokesperson for will need to be pushed back until later.Will have to give back to EEG, arranged Twins to film a new promotional MV.

Charlene Choi may not be one of the victims, but because she was too worried of Gillian, she also suffers some pain.Every time Charlene appears in a promotional event by herself, she cannot seem to put a smile on her face.

Clarifies the Reports of committing suicide

The scandal hurts Gillian very much, this time her nude photos reaches more than 90 pictures, once its out, cannot get them back.There was rumors that Gillian was committing suicide. Someone witnessed one of EEG's employee's rushing to Happy Valley's Hospital. Even though her manager has clarified the rumors of suicide, in the workplace people are still guessing and talking about it. Gillian's family, friends, manager and EEG were continuously comforting her. Her condition then seems to return to normal. Although Gillian has suffered greatly from this incident, but she has decided that she will face the issue and the public bravely and will not give up on her career that easily. A career that she spent years building up. She will not be that weak and give up.

Will Not Accept Interviews.

EEG decided today (2/11) that they will arrange Twins to attend a 'baai sun' function at a restuarent in Wan Jai with Fans.Two Reasons: 1 - clarify her suicide rumors 2 - to test the public's reaction of Gillian's reappearance.Also gave Gillian some new jobs.Although she has made a public appearance since the incident, she will not talk about the scandal nor will she accept any interviews regarding the incident.

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